07 3390 1562
All signage and shopfronts
vehicle signage
business stationery printing
Graphic Design & Logo Design Charges
The graphic design service we offer has a flexible pricing structure, which has been developed to ensure we meet the differing needs of all our clients.
One graphic design pricing structure is offered on an hourly rate basis. You pay only for the time taken to produce your designs. This is great if you don’t know where to start, and need some guidance to focus your ideas and make use of our knowledge in marketing and promotions.
The logo package pricing structure works around an all-inclusive fee and is ideal for when you know what you want and how you want it.
Hourly Rate
If you're after a wide range of artwork, or really don’t have an idea of where to start, then the hourly rate charging structure offers you the flexibility to work within a budget, whilst making the most of our experienced staff to help guide you. We can arrange to have an in-depth discussion at the start of the process to focus ideas, develop the brief (identifying who the design is aimed at, its purpose etc), and to clarify deadlines and budget restrictions. We can then produce your artwork, whilst keeping you informed of the progress. Time spent in consultation and producing general artwork is charged at the nominal hourly rate.
Update Existing Artwork
We can easily update your existing artwork, such as changing a telephone number or email address for reprinting. This is only available when original artwork was produced by Print Vision, and has been kept on archive. If the file was created elsewhere, it may need to be re-built, at the hourly design rate. Minor alterations and changes are charged in 15 minute increments.
Briefs, Proofs & Output
The Design process starts with an initial consultation/brief. This is where you can share your ideas with our staff or designers, and establish the brief. If you are using the all-inclusive rate then you need to come to our office with a clear idea of what your design is about and the information to go on it. During this time we will estimate the cost of the design work and arrange a time for when the artwork will be ready to proof; we will also discuss printing options.
At this stage you will be required to pay a deposit, usually 50% of the quoted print price, not including any design work required.
If you ordered via our website, payment should have been made in full for the print component of your order.
When the proof of your artwork is ready we will ask you to check you are happy that the design meets the instructions set, and that there are no errors. We will confirm the quantities you require for printing and advise you of the turnaround time. If changes need to be made, we can do those quickly and arrange for another proof to be supplied.
Once the printing work has been completed, you will be notified so that you can collect your job, and if required, we can organise a courier at a small additional charge.
General Guide Notes
The hourly design rates do not include word processing or typing. Large amounts of text should be supplied on disc or CD.
Specific image sourcing is not included in the hourly rates. This means that our designers may not be able to ‘find’ specific images that you require. We are not able to source images from the internet, due to low resolution reproduction. We require that all specific images are supplied by hard copy for scanning, or electronically in CMYK format, and at a high resolution (eg. 300dpi).
All images (such as company logos) should be supplied on disc, hard copy or via an email attachment, preferably as .eps format.
There may be a charge for preparing supplied artwork to press ready stage.
Multi page artwork such as handbooks and price lists are charged under the design rate structure.
A digital copy of the completed artwork can be supplied to the client on CD for a fee. This will be in PDF format, unless otherwise requested.
Copyright remains property of Print Vision. Any alterations to the artwork should be done by Print Vision designers, or with the full agreement of our design department. These proofs may be marked to protect copyright.
Prices quoted are subject to the final printing/output produced by Print Vision. If you would like to arrange your own printing, then please let us know at the start of the process, as some printers have differing requirements for artwork.
Help us keep our costs down by keeping to pre-arranged appointment times. If you are going to be late or need to re-arrange a consultation please phone our office as soon as possible.
If requested, we will keep a log of the time spent on the project, for jobs being charged at hourly rates. After completion of artwork, all files are achived by Print Vision. If you require an archived file to be supplied to a 3rd party by email, please be aware that an archiving fee of $35 will apply, or a fee of $45 will apply if file is to be burnt to a CD for collection. If our designers are required to modify your file in any way to meet the needs of the signwriter/printer etc, the hourly rate will apply.